City Seeds Planning Conference Invitation from J&A

To meet the increasing demands for a green and healthy environment,  in 2019, the Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly focused on “Finding innovative solutions to meet environmental challenges and achieving sustainable consumption and production”, encouraging the private sector and individuals to find “exclusive solutions”; as the world's second largest economy, China has made world-renowned contributions to global green development. 

Real estate, construction, technology and other industries have taken the lead in making new measures in line with the trend. What breakthroughs and innovations should the design industry make for the green and healthy development of the city?

Government officials, association leaders, experts and scholars, First-tier real estate developers, technology innovation companies,Well-known media, design industry have been invited sucessfully and will be present then. We sincerely invite you to join our "City Seeds Planning Conference" on Dec 15,2019. 

Conference TIME:  Dec 15,2019 13:30-17:30
Conference Location: Treehouse of Qiaochengfang, Nanshan District, Shenzhen.